Dental technology has allowed us to make incredible advancements in the way we treat patients. Now more than ever, we are able to perform restorative and cosmetic procedures that are life changing. Yet, all the cutting edge information and technology can’t replace a thorough and comprehensive patient evaluation by a knowledgeable and experienced practitioner.
Comprehensive Evalutation
Dental technology has allowed us to make incredible advancements in the way we treat patients. Now more than ever, we are able to perform restorative and cosmetic procedures that are life changing. Yet, all the cutting edge information and technology can’t replace a thorough and comprehensive patient evaluation by a knowledgeable and experienced practitioner.
Introducing, The Chasolen Treatment Planning Quint.
Personally developed by Dr. Chasolen, this planning treatment realizes that before any recommendations can be made, we need to have a thorough and complete understanding of the individual patient. The plan includes four key factors:
A Comprehensive Evaluation
Treatment Planning
And Treatment Management
Taught to thousands of dentists around the world, the Chasolen Treatment Planning Quint identifies 124 points to consider when evaluating a patient. It allows dentists to repeatedly, methodically and thoroughly evaluate a patient.
What You Can Expect
In the comfort of our office, new patients will undergo a 2 hour comprehensive evaluation that allows us to make a precise treatment recommendation. We start with a conversation to find out why you are seeking services and the goals you wish to achieve. We care deeply about the needs of our patients and take the time to really listen. From there, we will evaluate the following:
- Medical History
- Dental History
- Complete Radiographic Survey: Includes updated full-mouth series with bite-wings and a panoramic radiograph.
- Complete Extra and Intra Oral Exam: We check hard and soft tissue, and conduct a cancer examination.
- Complete Aesthetic (Cosmetic) Evaluation: Considers your dentofacial structures, tooth color, tooth position and arrangement, tooth profiles, aesthetic gum position and symmetry, how the current conditions or anticipated changes will integrate with a healthy, functional and phonetic outcome.
- Complete Restorative Evaluation: We look at your existing fillings, crowns, bridges, removable dentures, implant restorations, porcelain cosmetic fillings, crowns, and venues to determine if they are in good condition.
- Temporo-Mandibular Evaluation: We consider how the TM jaw joint may effect your treatment. This includes a thorough muscle, joint and occlusal examination including Joint Vibration Analysis. JVA provides a fast, non-invasive, and repeatable measurement of TMJ function to aid in your diagnosis of TMJ function by quantifying vibration patterns in the joint with the use of a computer.
- Complete Occlusion Analysis: We look at how your teeth meet and function. This includes the evaluation of wear patterns on your teeth and the influence of your neuro-muscular programming that dictates how you function. This function and parafunction (clenching and grinding) can profoundly influence your existing presentation and is absolutely necessary to understand when planning any type of restorative dentistry.
- Complete Periodontal Evaluation: We examine pockets, tooth mobilities, gum recession, tissue biotypes, furcation involvements, and the relationship between your existing dental work and your gum and bone biology.
- Complete Photographic Survey
- Study Casts: Includes a functional bite recording to evaluate the relationship and positions of your teeth and bite.